Why Employers Choose Apprenticeships

In today’s workforce, where too many companies lack qualified candidates to fill key positions, more and more forward-thinking employers are choosing apprenticeships. The importance of strategic workforce development can’t be understated. While it’s easy to think talent pipeline issues may resolve on their own, or that apprenticeships may be risky, complex, or expensive, there’s nothing further from the truth. Here are the benefits of employing a youth apprentice that your company can expect.

Strategic Operating Advantages of Youth Apprenticeships for Employers

First and foremost, apprenticeships are about return on investment, and you’ll find you get back what you put in and more. They are a tried-and-tested way to grow your company’s talent pipeline and attract workers who are eager to learn and offer fresh perspectives. Youth apprenticeships invigorate your existing workplace culture with new energy, too. There’s also a systematic transfer of knowledge that takes place when existing workers share their expertise with apprentices.

Let’s look at the advantages of hiring youth apprentices in more detail:

Return on Investment

Through apprenticeship, you can address short-term gaps while pursuing your long-term strategy. Additionally, according to data from the American Apprenticeship Initiative, for every $100 an employer invests in a registered apprenticeship program, they generate $144.20 in total ROI benefits, a median return of 44.3%.

Talent Pipeline

Youth apprenticeships are a proven model for growing your workforce with qualified individuals. It’s a way to formalize a learning and development path for people entering your organization, especially younger workers.

Fresh Perspectives

You’re recruiting bright, hungry talent who are open-minded, bring a fresh perspective, and contribute new ideas. They’re tech-savvy digital natives and fast learners. You can train them to fit your specific needs in your workforce right now and set them up for success in the future.

Knowledge Transfer

You’ll benefit from a systematic knowledge transfer, which provides long-standing employees with opportunities for advancement within your organization. In addition, apprenticeships mitigate the impact of veteran talent leaving the company, whether through retirement or recruitment.

New Energy

Youth apprenticeships also invigorate the culture and bring new energy into an organization, at times encouraging employees nearing retirement to stay and help train the next generation.

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Trying to solve your company’s talent pipeline challenges?

With youth apprenticeship, it’s possible.
Get our guide to discover our proven model.


Benefits of Employing a Youth Apprentice as an HR Strategy

In addition to the strategic operating advantages youth apprenticeships provide, they’re also an effective human resources strategy. They provide support for a broad range of industries, including manufacturing, technology, healthcare, financial services, aerospace, automotive, and HVAC. Additionally, apprentices can be trained for high-demand roles in operations, information technology, sales, quality control, logistics, and more. 

Youth apprenticeship programs facilitate the growth of your leadership pipeline as well, providing opportunities for mentors to advance within your organization. Those mentors are also training the next generation of workers who could move into leadership roles within your company one day.

With comprehensive program support, such as companies find with Guilford Apprenticeship Partners (GAP), you’ll be able to maximize your investment with:

  • Initial company orientation and onboarding
  • Apprenticeship program setup and implementation assistance
  • Access to other companies with successful apprenticeship programs, for mentoring, networking, and knowledge sharing
  • Monthly member meetings, with partner updates and recruiting strategies aligned to the seasonal school cycles
  • Student recruitment marketing and events, including high school visits, community nights, open houses, and invitationals 
  • Online recruitment portal with a database for student and company profiles, tracking where students are in the apprenticeship application process and providing an overview of opportunities with member companies

Case Studies & Testimonials

Employer Benefits for Hiring Youth Apprentices

Now, you might be thinking, This sounds good in theory, but does it actually work? Great question. Here are a few real-world examples of companies that partnered with GAP to set up registered apprenticeship programs.

Lincoln Financial Group

In this apprenticeship case study, you’ll see how the training of information technology apprentices generated a 15-29% return on investment.



[Sentence TBD when case study is complete; include link to case study as well]


30+ Local Companies Have Successfully Implemented Youth Apprenticeships

“I was interested in the GAP program because they were offering to pay for my education and there was no debt to deal with to go to school and graduate. Plus, it gave me a chance to work and get some real-life experience in my industry, which is invaluable.”

Brittany D., 2023 GAP Graduate, Quality Control Inspector, Endura Products

Youth Apprenticeship Opportunities for Companies Like Yours

Many employers have turned to youth apprenticeships in the past and continue to do so today, thanks to an increasingly competitive job market where finding qualified candidates is a significant challenge. Apprenticeships can give your company a strategic operating advantage in the marketplace, helping you address short-term gaps while pursuing your long-term strategy.

At GAP, we can help you get the most out of your apprenticeship program investment.

We will guide you through the ramp-up and implementation process to ensure you comply with the criteria required to become a recognized youth apprenticeship program. See how we’ve partnered with many successful companies like yours throughout Guilford County, North Carolina, and surrounding communities. We invite you to learn more about how we can help grow a skilled talent pipeline and gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

Ready to Explore Youth Apprenticeship Opportunities for Your Company?

Fill out the form below, and our GAP team will reach out to help you get started. You’ll also receive a GAP Company Guide with valuable insights and information.

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