5 (Nearly) Recession-Proof Careers You Can Explore While Still in High School

While you may not have faced a layoff yet, the reality is that they can happen — and they can bring challenging times.

But some careers are more secure, even during economic downturns. You can get ahead of the curve by preparing for a nearly recession-proof career. Here are five options to explore that offer stability, even while you’re still in high school.

Get details about career training programs that can offer job security.

Explore ways to get paid training and work experience in an in-demand field starting as early as high school.


1. Electrician

Imagine you were to lose power in your home. How many appliances and everyday comforts would stop working? Who would you call? Whether a utility worker at the power company or an electrician, the person tasked with bringing your power back on would be a trained electrical professional.

Even in times of economic uncertainties, electricians are still needed. Jobs can be found with city departments as well as in construction companies, industrial facilities, and manufacturing plants, among others.

Looking for a stable, in-demand career while you’re still in school?

A youth apprenticeship in electrical work could be your perfect fit. Gain hands-on experience and valuable skills through GAP’s Electrician career pathway. Ready to get started? Explore the pathway today.

2. HVAC Technician

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians are also in high demand. Imagine how you’d feel if your air conditioning stopped working on a hot summer day, or how cold you might be if your heating system gave out in the middle of a freezing winter. You’d need an HVAC specialist to save the day, making this another recession-proof job on our list.

HVAC technicians are the heroes who keep us comfortable no matter the season.

Want to start building your skills while still in high school? GAP’s youth apprenticeship offerings in HVAC provide hands-on training that sets you up for success in this high-demand field. Ready to learn more? Discover the HVAC pathway today.

3. Mechanic

Other jobs that are recession-proof include mechanics and automotive specialists. Even when economic conditions are unfavorable, people will still have cars, trucks, and motorcycles that break down and need repair.

Professionals in this field may specialize in a particular type of car repair, such as electronics or engines, or they may be able to perform all kinds of maintenance and repairs, such as brakes, transmissions, tires, and oil changes. Some mechanics even specialize in certain brands of vehicles.

Mechanics are always in demand because vehicles still need repairs, no matter the economy.

Interested in starting early? GAP’s youth apprenticeship in Automotive Mechanics gives you hands-on training to jumpstart your career. Ready to get started? Explore the mechanic pathway today.

4. Logistics Coordinator

When you’re wondering what jobs are recession-proof, consider supply chain logistics, which involves inventory planning, transportation of goods, product storage, and distribution. The growth of e-commerce and increase in online shopping have helped this field grow over the years.

Job opportunities are available at warehouses, supply companies, manufacturing facilities, shipping companies, retail chains, grocery stores, and wholesalers.

Looking for a career that stands strong even during tough times?

As a logistics coordinator, you’ll play a key role in keeping supply chains running smoothly, with opportunities in warehouses, retail chains, and beyond. Start your journey with GAP’s supply chain logistics pathway.

5. Advanced Manufacturing Technician

Other careers that are recession-proof are often found in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sector. This is an in-demand field that has worked its way into the manufacturing sector.

Traditional production jobs and manual labor, though, have given way to advanced manufacturing, which can involve high-tech systems and machine automation. Companies in this industry are seeking skilled employees to help fill job openings where there aren’t enough qualified workers.

“I am adding value to my company and the community by the work I’m doing … I am making tools that doctors will use to help save lives … and I’m able to make parts that are going into the Mars Rover in space.”

Fernando V.

Guilford Apprenticeship Partners Graduate

Ready to step into the future of manufacturing?

As an advanced manufacturing technician, you’ll work with cutting-edge technology and automation. Start gaining valuable skills early with GAP’s youth apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing. Explore the pathway and get started today.

So, where do you start?

You might be eligible to participate in a youth apprenticeship program, where you can gain hands-on experience and even have your college tuition covered. These career pathways often begin through an apprenticeship or technical college degree program. Want to learn more about how you can earn and learn at the same time? Explore your options today!